Nominalism is a major issue, even among Evangelicals/Pentecostals. Attendance nationally is only 7%, less than one tenth of all Christians. Establishing effective means of discipleship is a huge need as increasing numbers associate themselves with the church, yet with no true spiritual growth in their lives – Operation World

One of the most “Christianized” countries in the whole world, Kenya is strategic for mission mobilization as a gateway to the Horn of Africa and a launch-pad into the Middle East and Asia. The greatest need in Kenya is radical discipleship especially among the youth and effective ministries to translate the huge “Christian” population into a mission force to impact the region and beyond.
Our teams are discipling and mobilizing students across several universities, young professionals and equipping ordinary believers among the unreached communities in the northern frontiers to catalyze movements to Christ and serving urban churches to reach the harvest in the cities of Kenya.
Missions vision was birthed in the 1970s through revival among university students. This vision has blossomed into a movement accounting for over 5,000 Nigerian missionaries at home and abroad, helping lead the way for Africa-wide mission mobilization – Operation World
With the largest population of 200 million people and the biggest economy in Africa, Nigeria plays a leading role in many respects including missions in and from Africa. But the potential for global engagement is still so much.
We are returning to a renewed focus on mobilizing the youth for global mission as well as obedience-based discipleship in the urban jungles spread across many cities. These are communities of young people who hang out to engage in vices and substance abuse. Many are addicted and desperately need help found only in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our team works with recovering addicts to launch new disciple making groups in other jungles as well as mobilizing and equipping urban missionaries in other cities to cross the line into those dark places where the Light needs to shine.

Missions vision was birthed out of suffering during the Marxist regime and the withdrawal of Western agencies during that time [However]…Only 3% of evangelical churches are regarded as being “mission-mobilized” – Operation World
As the second most populous country in Africa, Ethiopia is an emerging mission force on the continent. Our work currently focusses on disciple making among the young population as a means of preparing them for kingdom work. The vision is to see a flourishing network of disciples multiplying into every sphere of society and new workers going to the unreached people groups of Ethiopia and the rest of the Horn of Africa.
We are also mobilizing the growing Eritrean population, most of whom are refugees in Ethiopia having fled their homeland due to increasing government repression, persecution and intense restrictions on religious freedom. Our team is focused on intercession, discipleship and mission awareness.
D.R. Congo
The DRC needs a complete re-evangelization. Colonial comity agreements and formation of the ECC served well in earlier eras, but they imposed rigid geographical boundaries on any outreach activity. This left many areas devoid of an evangelical witness and hindered cross-cultural outreach. There is great freedom to minister the gospel in many ways, but lack of vision, resources and stability hampers potential outreach – Operation World
Congo represents our first thrust into the Francophone countries with the emergence of a discipleship work situated in the northeast. The vision is to see the church of God return to biblical discipleship and lead the way in transforming the communities in this well-endowed nation. Pray with us for God to breathe over this mustard seed beginning and fan the flames of Disciple Making Movements not only across Congo but other Francophone nations.

One of the fastest growing economies in Africa, Rwanda has huge potential to become a mission sending base. Our operations in Rwanda is taking off by mid-2021. The work vision is to disciple university students and Christian professionals with a missional focus as we mobilize them for work among unreached people groups.