Making obedient disciples to reproduce other disciples, equipping disciple makers for the task, mobilizing the Church for focused engagement of the remaining unreached people groups.
We believe that every nation must be reached with the gospel of the Kingdom (Mt 24:14) and God is stirring up a new generation of kingdom minded people with a global focus.

In Pursuit
Of the Harvest
To mobilize disciple makers for the fulfillment of the Great Commission
A movement of disciple makers everywhere for God's glory
We believe that every nation must be reached with the gospel of the Kingdom (Mt 24:14) and God is stirring up a new generation of kingdom minded people with a global focus.
We affirm that every disciple is called and sent to make disciples (Mt 28:18-20) and the whole Church is commissioned to take the whole gospel to the whole world.
We observe that “the harvest is great but the workers are few” (Mt 9:37-38) and many more need to be prepared to take their place in the mission of God.
We exist to simply mobilize towards reaching those with least access to the Gospel.
Mobilizing Workers already within the harvest. Many unreached countries and communities are open to ordinary people who work, study, live and daily interact as just that – ordinary people! We see an army of God’s people who live in close proximity to unreached people groups in multiplied locations all over the world. Most have never been trained to engage the harvest within which they live. This is a huge harvest force waiting to be activated.

Mobilizing Students towards the harvest. Africa’s young generation remains a potent mission force waiting to be unleashed. With over 65% of the continent’s population aged below 35, the greatest work force for world evangelization is yet to be mobilized. As a mission, we are committed to reaching, discipling, mobilizing and sending the young generation to extend the kingdom on a global scale. We equip them to get Ready-2-Run and then FOLLOW Jesus and go anywhere God may be calling them globally.
Mobilizing to engage the Urban harvest. With about 55% of the world’s population currently residing in urban areas, cities have become a complex mission field. We mobilize disciples in cities to respond to the harvest on their doorsteps and equip urban missionaries to ignite Disciple Making Movements among the lost. The harvest in the cities is plenty. The potential laborers in the churches are many. We serve the potential laborers in the cities to look around and take the LEAD to reach out!

Mobilizing Workers already within the harvest. Many unreached countries and communities are open to ordinary people who work, study, live and daily interact as just that – ordinary people! We see an army of God’s people who live in close proximity to unreached people groups in multiplied locations all over the world. Most have never been trained to engage the harvest within which they live. This is a huge harvest force waiting to be activated.

Mobilizing Students towards the harvest. Africa’s young generation remains a potent mission force waiting to be unleashed. With over 65% of the continent’s population aged below 35, the greatest work force for world evangelization is yet to be mobilized. As a mission, we are committed to reaching, discipling, mobilizing and sending the young generation to extend the kingdom on a global scale. We equip them to get Ready-2-Run and then FOLLOW Jesus and go anywhere God may be calling them globally.

Mobilizing to engage the Urban harvest. With about 55% of the world’s population currently residing in urban areas, cities have become a complex mission field. We mobilize disciples in cities to respond to the harvest on their doorsteps and equip urban missionaries to ignite Disciple Making Movements among the lost. The harvest in the cities is plenty. The potential laborers in the churches are many. We serve the potential laborers in the cities to look around and take the LEAD to reach out!