Kenya, a country of over 50 million people and 116 people groups is made up of 85.6% Christians. 27 of the people groups which make a total of 5.2 million in the nation are unreached

Garre people Group

The Garre are a major sub-tribe of the Somali people group. They are located in North Eastern Kenya and Southern part of Ethiopia. They are considered very unreached since few Garre believers are known.

Location: Mandera County, Kenya
Population: 1, 000, 000
Primary Languages: Garre and Somali
Religion: Islam
Christians: 0.01%

The Munyoyaya

Munyoyaya are located only in Kenya, they are located along the river Tana in Tana River County.
Located: Tana River
Population: 2,100
Language: Orma
Religion: 100% Islam
Christians: No known Munyoyaya Christian

Sakuye People Group

The Sakuye people group are a Borana speaking people located in Marsabit County in Northern Kenya. They are totally unreached since there is no Sakuye believers yet, Only one couple are reaching out the Sakuye.

There is a great need of prayers and missionaries who will take the gospel to the Sakuye.

Located: Moyale, Marsabit County
Population: 10, 000
Language: Borana
Religion: 100% Islam
Christians: No known Sakuye Christian

Digo People Group

The Digo people group are one of the sub-tribes of the Mijikenda people group. They are a swahili speaking people located at the coastal parts of Kenya. They are a large group and largely unreached.

There are opportunities to reach the Digo with the saving gospel.

Location: Coastal Kenya
Population: 5000, 000
Primary Languages: Digo and Swahili
Religion: Islam
Christians: 0.1%